Venue & Contacts

Venue & Contacts


Everything under the same roof: classes, parties and general accommodation!

Kaikki saman katon alla: tunnit, bileet ja lattiamajoitus!

A big parking lot in front of the building

Talon edessä on iso parkkipaikka

The venue: Swing Team hall

In Tesoma, address Tesomankatu 33 (postal code: 33340 Tampere). The venue is easily reached by both public transportation and car.


Leiripaikka: Swing Teamin sali

Tesomalla, osoite Tesomankatu 33, 33340 Tampere. Paikalle pääsee bussilla ja henkilöautolla. Tanssisalin pihalla on parkkipaikkoja.


Contact us by e-mail / yhteydenotot sähköpostitse:


Information is subject to change without notice.
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