Event Calendar

Monday Night Lindy @ Living Room
Monday, 13. March 2017, 19:00 - 22:00
Hits : 53926
Let's swing the Mondays! Joka toisen maanantain swing-bileet / On every odd week's Monday Swing Team hosts a Lindy Hop taster and party.

Open and free taster class (check topic below) / Avoin ja ilmainen taster-tunti: 19.00-20.00

Social dance party / Sosiaalitanssibileet: 20.00-22.00

16.1. Balboa Taster with Pekka & Tanja, DJ JukkaV.
13.2. ATTENTION: Place and possibly time for Swingin' Mondays will change. HUOM! Paikka ja mahdollisesti aika Monday illoille tulee muuttumaan
Location Living Room Tampere, Hämeenkatu 26, 33200 Tampere, Suomi